B.Ed Syllabus Details

B.Ed Syllabus
Year Category Paper No. Titles Of Papers Marks
External Internal
1st year (a) Perspectives I Philosophical Perspectives Of Education 80 20
II Sociological Perspectives Of Education Of India 80 20
III Psychological Perspectives Of Education 80 20
(b) Curriculum & Pedagogic Studies IV & V Subject Knowledge and related pedagogic dimensions(Subject:Science-Biology/
Physical/Mathematics/Social Science Language- Hindi/English/Urdu/Sanskrit/Art/Home Science/Music/Commerce)
80 20 Prepration Of BluePrint and achievement test
80 20
(c) Practicum VI Language proficiency Through Grades Minimum D required to Pass

A- Excllent

B- Very Good

C- Good

D- Satisfactory

E- Unsatisfactory

VII Health,Physical and Yoga Education
VIII Information and Coummunication Technology
IX(a) Micro Teaching (one week before internship) 10
IX(b) Internship and practice (1 Month) 20+20
IX(c) Comprehensive Viva 50
Total 450 150
Grand Total 600
Year Category Paper No. Titles Of Papers Marks
External Internal
2nd Perspectives I Development Of Education System is india and its Challenges 80 20
II Curriculum Development and Assessment 80 20
III Educational Leadership and Management 80 20
IV Educational Guidance and Counselling 80 20
Practicum V Issues related with Environment Through Grade Min D required to Pass

A- Excllent

B- Very Good

C- Good

D- Satisfactory

E- Unsatisfactory

VI Issues in Education(Gender,social,Inclusion Peace,Value Inculcation)
VII Internship(16 Week)
  1. Action Research
  2. Cumulative Record Of a Child During Internship
  3. Application Of Achievement test
VIII Comprehensive Viva 50
IX Final practice of teaching(Each Method) 50+50=100
Year 2 Total 470 130
Total 600
Year 1 Total 450 150
Grand Total(year 1 + year 2) 1200